March 16, 2014

Ripped in 30

I'm starting Ripped in 30 tomorrow. I decided to wait until I have finished the full 30 days before taking any pictures this time. My schedule is going to be Ripped in 30 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. I'm going to do cardio, probably treadmill or elliptical on Wednesdays. Saturdays I go to a Cross Fit boot camp. And Sundays I will REST!

I was having some pretty major cravings for bad foods today. Pizza and donuts were calling my name today. I skipped the donuts and had a Lean Cuisine pizza for supper. I had a lot of sodium. So hopefully lots of water will help flush out some of the salt so I don't have any water retention. I already have my whole day planned out for tomorrow. So if I stick to that I can get some of these cravings under control with lots of fruits and veggies.

I'm going to try to record my progress of the different levels of Ripped in 30 at the end of every week. I'm hoping to see some big changes!

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Southern Illinois
We have 2 beautiful boys and we are exploring our options to adopt a child