March 24, 2014

Almost hit 10lb mark

I weighed in yesterday 9.4lbs less than when I started on Feb 9th. I can see so many changes in my body. I am going to restrain from taking pics until halfway through Ripped in 30. I'm finding some workouts online and I really want to start adding them to my routine. When I started this I never thought I'd want to work out twice a day! But, even though the Ripped in 30 workouts are challenging, I feel like I can do more. I'm going to start with something small like a 10 minute video and if I feel good, move up from there. I'll let you know what I've done and if I recommend them.

Today, I did Ripped when I got up, so I'm going to try the Tone it Up Girls Bikini Series MaliBooty this afternoon. (Workout available on youtube.)

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Southern Illinois
We have 2 beautiful boys and we are exploring our options to adopt a child