February 22, 2014

30 Day Shred

 Good morning! With a very active 2 year old, it can be hard to find time to exercise. But Jillian Michaels will kick your butt if you give her 20 minutes a day. Boy am I happy today is a rest day! I've been shredding since 2/9/14. I've finished 2 days of Level 2. I made my own schedule because I didn't want to do strength training for 30 days in a row. My schedule is: Sunday & Monday, Shred. Tuesday Cardio. Wednesday & Thursday, Shred. Friday, Cardio. Saturday, Rest. It's worked really well for me so far. Adding the cardio and the rest days have helped be avoid getting bored with the shred days. I've read a lot of people get bored when they do the same workout every day.

I'm trying to take weekly progress pics to keep myself motivated. I forgot to take measurements, but I'm going to at the end of the 30 days. My starting weight was 163.6 and yesterdays weight was 158.8! Yay! Almost 5lbs in less than 2 weeks. I've been counting calories on myfitnesspal.com. I'm so happy with the way I feel. Thanks for joining me. Keep checking back for more progress updates!

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Southern Illinois
We have 2 beautiful boys and we are exploring our options to adopt a child